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Who are we?

The Cleveland Institute for Transformative Education (CITE) was founded by educators and parents, for educators and parents to support and share innovative teaching and learning experiences that encourage others to reflect upon and transform their own practice.   

The CITE is a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that awards scholarships to students and grants to organizations and educators. The CITE also provides resources to promote innovative teaching methods and programs based on local needs and current education research. An additional area of support is placed on increasing family engagement and empowering community members to take action to improve the lives of all children in a learning environment.

The CITE’s mission is to provide research, resources, and professional development to support and promote innovative learning experiences that benefit humanity.


  • INVESTS in innovative approaches to teaching and learning by awarding grants and scholarships to educators and organizations.

  • CONTRIBUTES to the learning community via a quarterly publication and an interactive, resource-rich website.

  • ENCOURAGES transformative education by providing impeccable professional development and community collaboration experiences.

  • BUILDS and INSPIRES a community of transformative educators and stakeholders through web-based events and annual conferences.

 CITE Brochure